
Comments (1)

What do you think?

this is a piece of art

other like mario or undertale

you make a classic

Game Soundtrack

2 songs

The whiteness around you clears. You open your eyes for what feels like the first time, and are greeted by a cold grey room. You try to think back on what happened, but you find nothing. No memories. No faces. Just a voice. A voice that tells you to go forward.

You obey.

  • press the directional keys or WASD to move(can switch in settings).

  • press the SPACE key to interact with objects and text. SPACE can also be used to skip text.

  • press the G key or the E key to open the menu(can switch in settings).

  • press the X key to back out of combat menus.


Project Savior (Working Title) is a turn-based RPG based on games such as Undertale and the Mario and Luigi series. If you played these games, some of the gimmicks might seem a little familiar, but I've tried to both preserve the quality of these mechanics, while making them my own when I can.

When attacking in battles, timing is imperative to doing good damage. Each attack has different timing windows, but you'll always be able to do maximum damage if you press space while the light around you is red.


When your enemy is attacking, the game will become a bullet-hell, where you have to dodge the enemy's attacks to avoid taking damage. You control this segment with the directional keys.


One key aspect of all fights in this game is movement. When you use certain attacks, or use the dedicated move options, your position to your enemy will change. Your position can factor into many elements of the fight but the most prominent is this: the closer you are to your enemy, the more damage both of you will do. be sure to use this to your advantage whenever you can.


The goal of the game is to get to a destination. You don't know what that destination is, or why you need to get there, but you know that it has to be done. On your journey, you will make enemies, some whom were out to get you from the beginning, and some of which learn to hate you later on. However, not everyone is aiming to stop you. In fact, you meet some people who aim to help you on your quest, despite it's unknown nature.

When it comes down to it, this game is primarily a comedy (or it's trying, anyway), so its best to take most things you hear in it with a g̴̠̤͉̬̲͗͆͂̏̀͗ȑ̷̩͍͕̰̠̫̓̏a̷͉̭̦̮̝͆̀̆i̴͍̤̽ǹ̵̢̘̃̀͂̚͜͝ ̷̯̆̃̔͑͗o̸̡̭̱̲̟̒̅̚͘f̵̧͓̯̬͙́̎͂̊ͅ ̵̨̑͑s̶̝̪̎ą̷̢̧͎̼̩̀̂́̂l̸̢̖̠͉͓͛̿ͅt̴͈̹́̎̕.


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(Please note that this demo is currently unfinished, and therefore has some bugs and issues with it, in addition to missing assets that will be in the finished demo (music tracks, sound effects, sprites, etc.) In addition, all text in this game, while close to finished, is not yet finalized. Therefore, If you run into any bugs, or just have suggestions in general, please send me a message at Any help on this project, even in small ways, is deeply appreciated) #rpg #adventure #retro

Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Mild Language
Comical Shenanigans

Due to prior commitments, I have to put Project Savior on an effective hold for the next month. I may be able to make a little progress, but that's very unlikely, and not worth counting on. Sorry for not announcing this sooner.

You guys have waited long enough, so, after 2 weeks, it's post #6, where I will be revealing this mysterious bottle of A1 sauce. While it's not in the current build of the game, it will be in the full demo. As for what it is..... take a guess.

Welp, after a decent amount of time, I'm back to working on Project Savior. I'm happy to say that, the next build that I release will most likely be the full demo of the game.

I'll be taking a short break now, as I've been getting a little burnt out on programming this game. I'll come back to it soon, but I have another project that I need to tend to. I'll reveal it soon(though, word of warning, its not at all like this game)!

The 0.2.0 Release of Project Savior is now live! Check article for details.

I'm proud to say that, as of the 0.2.0 update, the game will have music! The first piece that will be put in the game will be titled "The Savior Comes", and you can listen to it on the game page. See you Tomorrow for the launch!

I'm proud to announce that the 0.2.0 update for Project Savior (Working Title) will be launching on September 20th! I don't want to ruin all the suprises, but I listed a few of the changes in the article below. I can't wait for you all to try it out!

Welcome to post #5, were I finally show off the battle system! To attack, simply press space when the circle around your head is red, and you'll be sent flying in the direction of your enemy!

Also, the 2.0 update is almost done! I can't wait to share it!

Give me a point! Give me a less! Different colored textboxes have been added to the game.

Also, thank you so much for 50 views, you guys are great!

After some testing, I've decided to add highlighted objects to things you can interact with.

Yes, I know this isnt as exciting as before.
